This multidimensional inventory and management software controls generic medicinal codes, barcodes, and batches with expiry dates.
Explicitly designed for the
healthcare environment
Keep track of inventory locations
and stock movements
Creates automatic pick lists
according to the customer demand
With a widerange of reporting modules, management and staff can plan, control, and be proactive in real-time.
The system reads various barcodes and RFIDs, eliminating human errors, speeding up operations and creating efficiencies.
In-time inventory
improves business efficiency, avoiding wastage due to expired items.
Always having a continuously up-to-date inventory will improve productivity.
This is the
fastest and easiest process to eliminate expiring stock.
An essential tool for managing your stock
This multidimensional inventory and management software controls generic medicinal codes, barcodes, and batches with expiry dates.
Explicitly designed for the
healthcare environment
Keep track of inventory locations
and stock movements
Creates automatic pick lists
according to the customer demand
With a widerange of reporting modules, management and staff can plan, control, and be proactive in real-time.
The system reads various barcodes and RFIDs, eliminating human errors, speeding up operations and creating efficiencies.
In-time inventory improves business efficiency, avoiding wastage due to expired items.
Always having a continuously up-to-date inventory will improve productivity.
This is the
fastest and easiest process to eliminate expiring stock.